
Hello Tri Deltas,                                                                                              

“Although the collegiate chapters are the life-blood of Tri Delta, the strength of Tri Delta lies in the great circle of our alumnae who can be our continuity, stability, and support.” -Circle Degree

The number of Tri Delta Alumnae in our Baton Rouge area totals over 1,000 members, yet there are fewer than 75 dues-paying members on our roll.  You may say, “I really don’t have time for it,”  or,  “I enjoyed Tri Delta in college, but I don’t really need it now,”  or,  “I have boys.”  There may even be other reasons.  

Our LSU, Delta Omega Collegiate Chapter is one of the largest in the nation – a Mega Chapter.  Shouldn’t our Alumnae Chapter be just as strong? We all pledged our loyalty to Tri Delta and we need the strength of all of our members. We need members of all ages. It is not costly and you can choose to dedicate as much or as little time to the chapter as you wish.

A portion of your alumnae dues goes to the national organization, which includes your subscription to the Trident. Local dues help to support the local LSU Delta Omega Chapter through scholarships, recruitment and Bid Day. Dues are also directed towards Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter sisterhood events, Founder’s Day, and Pansy Luncheon which welcomes the newest active members into the Alumnae Chapter.

Support your local Tri Delta Alumni Chapter – JOIN/RENEW NOW!

With the excitement of Recruitment approaching our Delta Omega’s are excited for Workshop and Recruitment.  The members love when alums drop off drinks and snacks. If it’s easier to donate to the cause, you can donate through Paypal on our website. The links are below. Alums are welcome to join in the excitement of Bid Day. Come to the Tri Delta house to celebrate.

Q: Can Alums be at the Tri Delta House for the Recruitment Parties?

A: Presently, due to capacity restrictions, we are asking that there are no alums at the Tri Delta house during workshop and Recruitment. 

Q: Does Tri Delta recognize Legacies?

A: Recently, Tri Delta’s National Executive Board has unanimously voted to eliminate collegiate chapter legacy policies, effective July 31, 2021.  Across college campuses, the number of legacies has increased at a much faster rate than the number of available bids. While legacies will no longer receive preferential treatment during recruitment, we will continue to celebrate these relationships once family members join our sisterhood. 

At LSU, Delta Omega, while we will adhere to this new policy, will continue to meet all legacies coming through recruitment and give them every opportunity to become a part of our chapter. 

Q: Can you send special treats on behalf of your favorite PNM coming through recruitment?

A:  The active members appreciate treats from Alums during Workshop and Recruitment. Snacks should be individually wrapped. 

The Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter has the potential of being a such strong local group of women representing Tri Delta. I encourage you to proudly support our Tri Delta organization, as we are a premier woman’s organization, both locally and nationally. Doesn’t Tri Delta deserve your loyalty and support?

If you are already current with your dues, THANK YOU! Please pass this on to a few Tri Delta sisters that we may have lost touch with and encourage them to join/renew.

By joining the BR Tri Delta Alumnae Chapter online with PayPal your dues are automatically renewed each year.

Contributions toward recruitment items can also be made with Paypal on our website. Click below to join or donate. 

Please visit the national website  to update your contact information. By updating nationally, you’re updating locally too. We use the same data base for our members.

As Tri Delta Alumnae let us celebrate each other, our successes and support each other when necessary.  Do you have news to share?  Please send in your accomplishments & celebrations.  Share photos and life events.  Send to


brave, bold, kind